Sunday, August 8, 2010

Getting Started With HTML

Before we get into details of creating a webpages through HTML, there are things that you need to consider before you work with your own web page files.

For the beginners, you may rather ask this question:

What do I need to start with my webpage or to edit HTML?

Actually, for the beginners you don't need any tools in order to learn HTML except for a notepad. A notepad was a ready installed software from your own computer that you will need to do editing when working with your webpages. I do not recommend any software or server except for what I have mentioned above. Existing software nowadays are very easy to use and if the beginners like you would used that would actually skip some important things that you need to know in details. Those softwares were only recommended for most web developers for their projects to cope up or to meet certain deadlines. Just believe that notepad is easy to use to edit HTML.

Now that you know the main tool in editing your HTML, you may want to know how your web site would look like. By the way before I proceed I just want to clarify that tutorial on planning for your own topic for your own website will be covered by this blog version for it is a completely different topic. I just want to cover this site a pure HTML discussion.

Designing and Organizing Your Web page

Designing your own website would take a lot of time. You may jump this step and start writing with your contents. You may organize your web files later if you want. Below are suggested steps that you may follow to design your website:
  1. First, figure out why are you creating this web site and what do you want to impart with your audience.
  2. Think what kind of readers or audience you would expect to have. How are your contents presented to these audience? Do I need a lot of presentation or graphics to pleased my audience? I need my webpage to download quickly?
  3. Plan how many pages you will produced for your website. How will I organize my webpages? Do I need to do it the way my visitors could access or explore my webpages easily?
  4. Have a draft or sketch of your website.
  5. Ensure that you name your pages, images and other external files in a simple way.
Here are important tips that you need to consider while working with your own website:
  • You don't need to overdo the design of your site. You have to dig in and start writing the content of your site.
  • If are still unaware for other important things you need to know about a web, just get to surf with other web like your competitors to get an idea.
  • Read other source of information like books available in your bookstore. Be sure that contents will fit your needs while learning HTML.

While exploring yourself in learning HTML, I suggest that you also need to explore editing the test web that will be presented on my next post. I will present to you on how to create a new web page that you may use during your practice. You may also want to use our Practice HTML Editor during presentation of topics.

You don't have to missed my next post because I will start presenting to you the basic HTML.