Saturday, August 7, 2010

First Encounter With HTML

Internet is now a famous way of communication, access information, business and even source of learning. There are many things we can learn in the internet. But one of these learning that I would like to impart with you is about HTML or the Hyper Text Markup Language. What is meant by this topic would be the next content of this blog.

During my first encounter with HTML, it was really humiliating. I do not know how to start with and even don't know how to apply each tags in creating a webpages. The first step I made is to find for a perfect reference of HTML and thank God there is W3Schools where I started to learn those tags and elements in order to start creating my own webpages.

The learning process for HTML is just easy. It is not difficult compared to what I've thought it was hard like a hell engineering mathematics, but I was wrong. I just made a systematic schedule for myself in order to feed the concepts of HTML and understand what really meant by each tags being used when creating a webpages. I just finally come up to an end that it was really easy to understand when proper strategies are applied. I will share you those strategies I made as we go along with this HTML blog series of tutorial. I will not stop making this blog and make a research about the latest application of HTML. I promised myself that this blog will be the reliable and complete reference for beginners.

I'm sure that your first encounter with HTML would be a bit difficult for you especially for those beginners and have no idea in creating a webpages. But if you are a web developer already, this will be a perfect reference for you especially if you are looking for something new.  

I hope that this series of HTML tutorial in blog version would be a great help and guide for you.

More on HTML for Beginners...